
I love weekends!

1.My husband is off work.

2. We get to spend time with friends and family

3. We get to sleep late

4. We get to go to church on Sunday, sing great songs, listen to a wonderful pastor, and talk with our friends.

This weekend, we spent Saturday at the beach. 

We walked along the shore, dipped our toes in the cool water, and gave thanks for heaven on earth.

Later in the day, my husband and I went with our brother and sister-in-law to the Farmer’s Market and bought home grown Tupelo Honey from Vernon, Florida, garlic grown in Fountain, and admired the lovely created crafts to the sound of a home-grown band. The breeze was cool, and we were happy to be there together.

It was the first day of Red Snapper season, so we stood and watched them unload the boats. I have never in my life seen snapper so big!

We bought some snapper and grilled out, and spent the cool evening sitting around eating and laughing together. I give thanks for living in paradise!